“If you visit an Irish pub this St. Patrick’s Day, chances are good it has one of these names”

Via The Washington Post: “The majority of U.S. Irish pubs include a first or last name — Murphy’s Pub, Kelly’s Tavern or Molly’s Pub & Carryout, for example. The remaining 43 percent of pubs that lacked a first or last name are a bit of an amalgamation. References include:

  • Irish landmarks (Blarney Stone Pub, The Killarney, Stephen’s Green)
  • Irish words or objects (The Harp Irish Pub, 3 Kilts Tavern, Paddy Wagon Irish Pub)
  • Stereotypical names (Shenanigans Pub, The Shamrock, The Crazy Leprechaun Bar & Grill)

A smaller minority also referenced:

  • Gaelic words (Fadó, An Seanachi Irish Pub)
  • Irish history and folklore (Boudicca’s Celtic Pub, Napper Tandy’s)

But people’s names are far and away the defining characteristic of the U.S. Irish pub name, with two of the most popular — Murphy and Paddy, short for Patrick — topping the list.

Read the rest of The Washington Post article.

Need A Brand Name? Pick Igor’s Brains

Are your brand name brainstorming attempts long on storm and short on brains? Igor has plenty of brains in stock, ready to help you name whatever needs naming.  Most have very low mileage, are hardly ever driven during the week, and are used only sparingly on weekends to scan refrigerator contents and such. Jump in and pick our brains!  

Tips for picking a brain:

  •  Do not pick if the skin is too green–it’s not ripe yet.
  • The brain should be viscous and phlegmatic yet hold up to a good thumping. Not too firm, not too soft.
  • The end twisted from the brain stem should be pliable when you poke your thumb through the outer membrane. If you can’t break the membrane with your fingernail, the brain was picked prematurely.
  • Smell is the most reliable indicator of freshness.
  • Have fun with it, but keep it platonic.

Our collection of brains can be picked through right here, at the Igor Brain Depository:

The Brand Naming Process

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