Welsh naming contest

If you’re Welsh, on the Internet, and know what an airplane is, have we got a naming contest for you:

Air Southwest is offering one lucky person the chance to win a trip from Newquay Airport for them and up to three friends or family with the launch of its ‘Name that Plane’ competition.

The airline will take delivery in February of the latest Dash 8-300 aircraft to join the Air Southwest fleet and the people of Cornwall are being asked to give it a name.

Whoever comes up with the winning name, which will be chosen by Air Southwest, will win four return tickets to any destination of their choice served by Air Southwest from Newquay.

The airline currently flies from Newquay to London Gatwick, Leeds Bradford, Manchester, Dublin and Bristol, and from April 10 will start a twice daily service to Cardiff.

So summon the likes of Dafydd ap Gwilym, William Williams Pantycelyn and Hedd Wyn and get…ooh, wait a minute, “Hedd Wynd”, that’s a winner! Quick, submit it here!

Ei aberth nid a heibio – ei wyneb Annwyl nid a’n ango Er i’r Almaen ystaenio Ei dwrn dur yn ei waed o!

The Wayward Forward

Ford Motor Company has actually named its initiative to halt the hemorrhaging of its market share, taking a que from Alice Walker and naming it “The Way Forward”. Cold comfort to the 30,000 workers who will be left behind.

Rumor has it that Ford was considering holding meetings to discuss the possibility of manufacturing products that people actually want to buy, and even resurrecting their old chestnut, “Quality is job one”, but all of the meeting rooms were booked.

Still, it could happen. The automotive branding world has been full of resurrections in the past four years. Buick’s dead man designer Harely Earl was dug up back in late 2002, while in the same month Chevrolet turned to Jesus for inspiration, and an odd coalition of lefties and righties launched “What would Jesus Drive?”. Just last November Audi began playing God, with talk of “Inteligent Design”.

Clearly, Ford’s “The Way Forward” has missed the Ark.

Except for this, this and this.