Really bod product naming

Parfums de Coeur (a Connecticut company) is selling body spray, deodorant and “body wash for men” under the brand name BOD Man. Their website touts one “flavor”of BOD Man, called “Really Ripped Abs”, as “a fragrance with the staying power of a man”. It fails to say which man, however. Ewww de Cologne indeed.

But whether you chose Really Ripped Abs or one of their other “flavors”, like Player, Rock Hard or Fresh Guy, you’ll be puzzled to know that all BOD Man flavors are “a whole new way to wear fragrance”. They don’t say what that new way is and we don’t want to know.

Perhaps this “new way” is necessitated by the fact that the body spray is is flammable and should not come in contact with fabrics.

What kind of man wears BOD Man, you ask? According to, people who bought BOD Man also bought lipstick and nail polish.

Enough said.

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Meshtech Wireless changes their company name

First, a little background on publicly-traded MeshTech:

Our firm is in the business of providing wireless mesh technology solutions that extend your existing hardware, while removing the burden of extensive wiring and or fibre optic networks. Meshtech Wireless Inc. offers many types of solutions for various business to business and or business to consumer applications such as wireless mesh connectivity, VoIP Smart Phone Technology, USB IP Phones and Mesh Set Top Boxes to name a few.

On August 4, Roy Mers was elected MeshTech’s new Chairman and CEO. After less than a week on the job, Roy is making a couple of small tweaks to the company’s business plan:

MeshTech Wireless, Inc. (MTWL. PK), announced today that it has elected to change the name of the company to SLEEP HEALERS HOLDINGS, INC. and change the direction of the company, effective August 8, 2006.

“I have been following the trends and growth of the sleep diagnostic/disorder industry for 2 years. I believe that significant growth opportunities exists for sleep industry companies that provide the highest quality of facilities and service to the medical community.

Sleep well, MeshTech shareholders.

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