process :
naming tools : Yahoo! Personals
Yahoo! Personals Tagline: The Dating Game
The Yahoo! Personals new tagline, "Believe," is a masterful example
of how to achieve the brass ring of branding: Engagement. A less savvy
tagline might have been "Find that special someone you have always
dreamed about," but that approach would be far less effective because
- is exactly what people would expect to hear and would pass through
them like white noise.
- narrowly defines the Yahoo! Personals as merely a service offering.
- tells the audience how to think about it, with no room left for mystery.
"Believe" is a home run for their tagline because it:
- causes people to pause and ask themselves "Believe in what?"
and to actively fill in the blanks and personalize the connection, which
is the most effective form of engagement.
- elevates the Yahoo! Personals brand above the goods and services they
offer and taps into a positive aspirational philosophy.
This same strategy is demonstrated by these taglines: Nike's "Just
Do It," Apple's "Think Different," Fannie Mae's "We're
in the American Dream Business," or Guidant's "It's a Great
Time to Be Alive."
Further reading: